Selasa, 18 Agustus 2009

The Sweetest Delusions

Few days ago I was so impressed by a song titled -no boundaries-, the winning song of Kris Allen in American Idol. A simple song I guess but contains a great sheepfold. For me, this song was really attractive and inspiring me. Suddenly I remembered all of dreams that stayed on my mind and need to be actualized. It's absolutely woken me up from a long long long dreaming. Afterwards, I was interested to posted a part of the lyrics as shout out to my account in one of the powerful social network sites. Some friends posted their responses and asked the meaning which contained in that statement.

" many days...I really know what I want...but how long can I wait for it? "

And what if my chances were already gone? Started believing that I could be wrong...

Just when I think the road is going nowhere, Just when I gave up on my dreams
They take me by the hand and show me that I "can" . There are no boundaries!!

I do believe that there are no boundaries above and beneath me to reach what I want and what I dreamed of. Eventually, this makes me wonder my self, "what's next"?? Just knowing that I have many dreams but doing nothing or doing something. I wanna fight for it with faith and beginning with a simple way. I'm trying from now. "gosh, I hope I can make it by my self and I don't wanna make it as a sweetest delusions", really.

It's been a long time I was trapped in this comfort cabin and this is the time for me to move forward. Iyaps..this is my time. I'll not ignore any chances given for me. So, here I'm with full of spirit and passion.

Senin, 03 Agustus 2009

Indent Paragraphs

"Panda...Ling-Ling...conference yuk"!!

Status si *Z* Juragan Genthonk bikin saya sedikit tergelitik untuk nge-buzz n mulai chating di menu yang saban hari
saya buka. Ada apa ini? Ada apa ini? Koq gak biasanya si juragan genthonk ngajak conference. Sebegitu kangen nya kah dia ama dua orang sahabatnya ini? Saya mulai senyum-senyum sendiri...

and then.....the stories begin!!

zz*** : has joined the chat
Ling2 : has joined the chat
Cubii : has joined the chat
zz*** : haloww....kangen ama gw gak?...hahahaha
Cubii : kangen gak ling?
Ling2 : ngga...wkwkwkwkwk
zz*** : huhuhuhuhu...ntar lagi gw sidang loh...tanggal 6...doain yaq...*teteup* dateng boleh..
Cubii : lha...kirain loe dah sidang...

Ling2 : pikir juga dah sidang
zz*** : belom lah gubraks...kan belon ada statement di status FB gw...hehehe
Ling2 : boleh...tapi akomodasi d tanggung yaq...
zz*** : jiahhhh biaya...nothing compares our friendship ling..hoekss
Cubii : ehhh tonk-tonk...loe kemenong aje sieh? loe paling gak eksis tauk...
Ling2 : hahahaha...Cubi lucu banget sieh...nope
zz*** : ada gw di kampus n di rumah..eksis gimana? maksud nya?
akhir-akhir ini gw tidur mulu tau...dingin
Ling2 : it has been changing from now..evrything must be consider about money.
Ling2 : hahahaha
zz*** : wleee, dasar "money-oriented" inget ga dlu kosakata ini sering keluar
zz*** : ketemu suami lo T***..wakaka..masi eksis aja d kampus
zz*** : mmm, kemaren kan ada undangan gt ya..trus gw buka..hh taunya yg merit V**** IF 05..gacoan nya si Cubi n Iyok dulu..
Ling2 : ahhh capee kira c T*** mao merit...hahaha
Cubii : V**** saha? aduhh binun...
zz*** : V**** si gadis bersepatu adidas ijo..gacoan loe dulu..yg rada curly rambutnya..ternyata bokap nya temen bokap gw...
Cubii : ooo...yg lucuu ntu yaq? wewww cepet amat nikahnya? Gak nungguin abang? hihihii
Ling2 : biasa lajang bgd kn cepet nikah..termasuk si juragan genthonk..hahaha
zz*** : aah engga sy ngga mo ngelangkahin tante "RINA"
zz*** : eh btw tante rina tu sp sih?? cubi cerita dwongg..

Cubii : Tante Rina ntu The Imaginery Lady..jadi tuh gw disini ama temen2 gw suka becandaan..kita pura2nya jadi gigolo keren gitu n jadi simpenan si Tante Rina...suka keluarlah istilah Tante Rina
zz*** : masyaolo...gejala kelainan seksual huahauhauhauahuahua *ampun om*
zz*** : A** dh hamil 4 bulan ling..trus si S* ,,,jadian ma si K*
zz*** : DHUARR gosiip abis dah gw
Ling2 : gak tertarik ama cerita tertarik nya ama kisah loe
Ling2 : cerita donk...
zz*** : kisah mana? kisah perkuliahan gw
Ling2 : ga ah..yang lagi in aj..hehe
zz*** : ya ok sodara" sekarang gw lagi ngerapiin indent..
zz*** : tentang STT gitu? apa..yang mana?
Ling2 : indent?
zz*** : indent paragraf
Ling2 : ttg privacy u...hahaha
Cubii : cerita dikit ama si Ling2..gak ada yg perlu d tutp2i..
zz*** : begh dah tau privacy diceritain pula..and the answer is NO WAY
zz*** : cih, chubby lo pasti berusaha mengorek" ling" yagh?
Ling2 : wewwwww..nape niy..kagak ngarti aye...
zz*** : hahahaha...yang mana nih ambigu ni privacy yg mana
zz*** : setiap sisi kehidupan gw kan privacy semua :))
Cubii : yg maren kita bahas Ling2 juga udah guede koq
zz*** : WUEKSS itu kan super disgusting..OK kalo mau dimulai yang paling tua
zz*** : hayo gw tantangin chubby...jangan jago kandang aja lo ahh
Cubii : OK



At the end of our conversation...we took the conclusions and learned something important about "IT". "IT", inti pembicaraan saya dengan dua adek damping saya semasa ngampus dulu. We always like that, beginning our sharing dengan cerita-cerita gak penting yang awal dan akhirnya gak jelas datang dari mana. Nyampah-nyampah gak jelas sebelum masuk ke topik yang lebih serius. Yahhh tapi ujungnya kita dapat sesuatu dari sharing-sharing itu. Sharing yang selalu menginspirasi saya.

saya baru sadar kalo selama hampir satu setengah tahun terpisah dari mereka banyak yang berubah dalam hidup saya. I've run so fast and many things happened for reasons.