Kamis, 21 Agustus 2008

PLizzz...Let me G0 H0me

Michael Buble Lyrics
Home Lyrics
The great song I guess...
I heard dis' song 3 years ago when I was College students...
This song is not only "easy listening" but also "contains a deep meaning"...

It represents "the yearning for someone you love"...

eemmhhh.....jadi ingat masa-masa kuliah, dulu suka banget dengerin nieh lagu kalo lagi kangen ama keluarga...mulai dehh penyakit meloww gak jelas nya kambuh (dah kaya tampang ibu-ibu penggemar Sinetron yang lagi nangis liat aktor/aktris utama nya dijahatin pemeran antagonis)

Coba deh maknain sedikit penggalan lirik nieh lagu :
"Another winter day has come and gone away"
"In Paris and Rome and I wanna go home"
"Let me go home"

Wewww...coba bayangkan,,bahkan suasana musim dingin yang luar biasa menyenangkan datang silih berganti di indah nya kota Paris n Roma tidak mampu menahan keinginan untuk pulang ke rumah...mungkin bagi beberapa orang ungkapan ini terlalu berlebihan a.k.a lhebay tapi saya harus bilang "This is true n this is real".

Staying at home is one of the best part of my life.
Home is a living substantiation of love that our family shared one to another.
Home is a place for our parent to mold me to be mature n accountable in everything I do.
Home saves me from sun burning n cold air.
and one for sure....Home is a place where my treasures (family) in dis' life living.

Yahh... rumah ku istana ku seolah menjadi sebuah ungkapan yang memang benar-benar nyata.

Really mizz ma' home
Really mizz ma' dad
Really mizz ma' mom
Really mizz ma' sista'
Really mizz ma' brotha's

Rabu, 13 Agustus 2008

I Kissed dating GoodBye

Ini salah satu buku yang wajib dibaca. Most recomended lah pokoknya [based on cerita teman]. Unfortunately, saya juga belum pernah baca buku ini. Tapi seseorang bilang ke saya buku ini bagus dan tentunya inspiring banget.
Saya mulai dan semakin penasaran pengen baca buku ini apalagi "dia" sedikit cerita tentang buku ini. Buku ini tentang cara berpacaran yang baik dan prinsip kecil dalam menjalin hubungan (Yang Menuntun Pada Perubahan Besar)".

Rasa penasaran saya makin memuncak (ciyeeee....memuncak dehhh loe) setelah "dia" menjanjikan akan mengirimkan Buku Bagus ini. Waduh jadi smangat banget n makin gak sabar tentunya.

Well berikut ini saya kutip sedikit cerita tentang buku tersebut dan background pembuatan buku ini oleh pengarang nya (Joshua Harris).

I Kissed Dating Goodbye
(ISBN 1590521358) is a best-selling 1997 book by Joshua Harris. The book focuses on Harris' disenchantment with the contemporary secular dating scene, and offers ideas for improvement, alternative dating/courting practices, and a view that singleness need not be a burden nor characterized by what Harris describes as "selfishness." He popularized the concept of "courting" as an alternative to regular secular dating, and in doing so has caused quite a lot of discussion regarding the appropriateness of his solutions to regular dating as well as the foundations on which he bases his reasoning.

In general, Harris believes that dating has become too inwardly focused. He feels that people date to find "their" mate according to their own principles, rules, and desires. In doing so, he argues, people put up a façade in an attempt to appear to be what the other person wants, and this hampers the "getting to know you" part of dating. He feels that it is more appropriate and more healthy in the long run to participate in "group dates" in order to truly understand the way a particular person interacts with others, since in a group setting in which some people know the person that person is less likely to be able to maintain a façade for the duration of the date. Harris proposes a system of courtship that involves the parents of both parties to a greater degree than conventional dating schemes.

Harris' solutions to the problems he sees have generated a bit of controversy in the Christian community. In an interview with Family Christian Stores, Joshua Harris indicated that "people have taken the message of I Kissed Dating Goodbye and made it something legalistic-a set of rules. That's something that's beyond my control and it's disappointing at times...." [1]

On November 20, 2005 Harris gave a message to the church he is Senior Pastor at entitled “Courtship, Shmourtship: What Really Matters in Relationships.” In this message Harris acknowledged problems with how the singles related in his church. Harris indicated that there was a “lack of freeness between men and women in cultivating friendships”. He also used the words “standoffish” and “tightness.” In the message, Harris also indicated that it was “OK” for single men and women to go out for coffee by themselves apparently correcting misconceptions some singles had in his church. These problems have not been mentioned on Harris’s web page including the page entitled “Clarification on Dating and Courtship.” [2]

During the weekend of September 21-23,2006,Brett Detwiler another ranking leader in Sovereign Grace Ministries gave a message entitled “Getting Ready” that included guidelines for courtship. In the handout that published from this retreat Brett Detwiler indicated that “Dating is about personal gratification and an end in itself. It brings all kinds of temptation to sin.” He also indicated that “Courtship is not for fun.” Detwiler also indicated that a single man should “Ask Her Father for Permission to Court.” [3]

As of February 2006, the book had sold over a million copies since its 1997 printing

Just give u recomendation!!!
Wanna read??

Get Started Being a BLoGGer

Finally....I make it done!!
You know what? Blog pertama saya akhirnya bisa di launching dengan cukup sukses [beuhhh..buku kalee di launching]...sebenar nya bukan Blog pertama sieh cuman Blog pertama yang dikerjakan dengan lumayan "serius"....
I need extra time completing this blog...

Gimana ngga...dirikuw yang gak cukup GAOL ini belum pernah ngutak-atik si blogger.com sebelumnya (emang ada hubungan yahh GAOL dengan sering ngutak-atik blog?? )...

Awalnya masi sedikit bingung...tapi karna emang dah niat n' di niatin pelan-pelan tampilan "Blog yang gak ada keren-keren nya ini" bisa dilengkapi (ehhh tunggu duluu...emang ada yang bilang gak keren yahhh??....NGASAL dehhhh). Mulai dari masukin poto-poto narsis yang percis sayur buncis...tampilan jam yang rada-rada sok imut...kalender...hit counter..ampe menu chatting an yang saya pikir penting dimasukin. Yes I do it baby....(Pasti pada ngiri kan gak bisa buat begituan???? hehehehe...sok2an banget yahh padahal itupun nyaplok dari orang....xixixixixixixi)

Sebenarnya sempat juga sieh males buat Blog. Yah gimana donk,gak punya bakat nulis sieh si saya nya. Cuman demi eksistensi diri...yah jadi lah si saya buat Blog ini....kalo kata teman-teman saya "Biar Eksis"...hahahahaha...suka geli juga kalo dah dengar teman ngomong kaya gitu...eksis..eksis...
Tapi setelah si saya nyoba buat blog ternyata asik juga yahh. Kali ajah bisa jadi penulis gitu..sukur-sukur bisa nyaingin pamor nya Andrea Hirata...(Ya elahhh....mimpi loe ketinggian nak).
Gak papa juga kali yah bermimpi, semua nya kan dimulai dari mimpi n satu hal yang pasti "Loe gak idup kalo gak bermimpi". So, catch ur dream man.

Eniwei all well done dan Blog yang bisa sedikit saya banggakan ini mudah-mudahan bisa jadi inspirasi buat siapa ajah yang baca.

"Busyettttttttt (dengan ekspresi yang agak sok kaget gitu)....dah jam 7 malem....n si saya masi diruangan kantor"...n I'm all alone here without anyone beside me (halaghhh)". It means that I've to go now....

Paling ngga satu postingan bisa kelar..gak sabar nunggu besok buat postingan kedua...ketiga...keempat...dan seterus nya.
Kembali lagi kaya kata-kata saya diatas..."Biar eksis"....hehehehehe

Yo weis lahh si saya balik dulu...
We'll continue later.

[ ehhh..kasi komen donk...postingan perdana nieh..biar agak rame gitu...hahahahahah]